
About AirCommercial


Let's make it short (lease) and sweet

Welcome to AirCommercial, born from the vision of a retailer who saw the need for change in the commercial leasing industry. Our origin story is rooted in the frustration with the rigid limitations of traditional leases and the economic upheaval introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic.

At AirCommercial, we are committed to reshaping the landscape of commercial leasing by introducing short-term lease options that align with the modern business’s demand for flexibility and adaptability. Our platform offers a straightforward solution for businesses to find spaces that grow and change with them, without the burden of long-term commitments.


Why Short-Term Leasing is a win-win-win

AirCommercial’s short-term leasing aligns with modern market demands. We bridge business owners seeking flexibility with agents and landlords offering dynamic spaces. Our service ensures rapid, adaptable, and efficient leasing experiences, facilitating growth and a “win” for all involved.

We offer lease terms from 3 to 12 months to accommodate the varying needs of modern businesses, aligning with fluctuating market conditions and tenant demands. 

AirCommercial provides streamlined, standardised lease agreements, making the leasing process quicker and reducing the time properties sit empty. 

AirCommercial Finance enhances property leasing by providing two essential financial services: financing for security bonds and offering the option to pay rent in full upfront for business owners.


Empty Space, Full Potential.

In recent years, Australia has witnessed a notable increase in retail vacancy rates across major cities, a trend exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. As depicted in the accompanying graph, the vacancy rates have surged, reaching alarming figures in 2023.

This emerging landscape presents a ripe opportunity for AirCommercial to meet the immediate needs of property owners and potential tenants. This initiative is geared towards revitalising the commercial leasing sector, promoting business continuity and fostering a flexible leasing environment amid changing market dynamics.


Turn a weakness into a strength with AirCommecial

We’ve already established partnerships with numerous real estate agencies and currently have a selection of properties available. What’s holding you back from joining us?


Your Questions, Answered

Navigating commercial leasing with AirCommercial

AirCommercial specialises in facilitating short-term leases ranging from 3 to 12 months, tailored to cater to businesses looking for flexibility and agents seeking quicker turnovers.

In AirCommercial leases, fit-out responsibilities and costs can vary based on the specific agreement between the tenant and the landlord. Generally, the expectation is for the fit-out process to be simple and cost-effective, aligning with the tenant’s needs without little to no financial incentives.

Yes, AirCommercial offers security bonds for landlords. These bonds are financed through our partnership with Levante Capital under the name “AirCommercial Finance,” offering added peace of mind.

Our ‘first right of refusal’ clause provides clear benefits to both landlords/agents and tenants, emphasising flexibility and stability. Landlords and agents can take long-term lease offers without losing the steady income from short-term leases. If a long-term deal comes through, you just inform the short-term tenant, ensuring you can manage immediate and future leasing efficiently.

For tenants, this clause means they can enjoy prime locations temporarily, with an option to extend their lease if they choose to match a long-term offer. If they decide against it and the space goes to a long-term tenant, AirCommercial supports the tenant in finding another excellent location, at no extra cost, making sure the transition is smooth for everyone.

To list a property on AirCommercial, there is no cost. Listing your property is completely free, allowing you to showcase your space to a wide audience without any upfront fees.

There are no hidden fees when leasing with AirCommercial. We cover all marketing costs Upon the initiation of a lease, you pay us a referral fee based on a % of the leasing fee you receive. We also have a small success fee which is paid by the tenant directly to us.